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Canada Golden Camelina Oil


Camelina Oil was traditionally cultivated in Northern Europe hundreds of years ago as an oil seed crop.

Archeological evidence shows it has been grown in Europe for at least 3,000 years. This edible oil comes from seeds of Camelina Sativa, a yellow flowering plant. Camelina is also known as false flax or gold-of-pleasure and is part of the Brassicaceae family, more commonly known as the mustard family.


Camelina Sativa is well suited for Saskatchewan's colder climate, flourishing naturally on the prairies. It is drought tolerant and is commonly used as a rotation crop for soil nutrition. 

Amazing Source of

Omega 3,6,





from Farm to Table



Canada Golden Camelina Oil is unique in its balanced blend of Omega 3, 6 and 9. Its high vitamin E content helps to not only maintain healthy skin and eyes, it contributes to Camelina's stable refrigerated shelf life of up to three years. A versatile cooking oil that is also an outstanding nutritional supplement!


It is Kosher certified and Non-GMO, cold pressed and produced in a nut-free facility.


Canada Golden Camelina Oil is best suited for consumers who want only the best for their health and nutrition and can appreciate the quality that Canada Golden brings to their kitchens. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Omega-3 and 6 and rich in monosaturated fatty acids.  It also has a high concentration of Vitamin E, with total tocopherols of 600-700mg/kg, approximately 10 times the Canadian Recommended Daily Allowance.


  • 5 g of omega-3 polyunsaturates per 15ml serving

  • 3 g of omega-6 polyunsaturates per 15ml serving

  • 4.5 g of monounsaturates per 15ml serving

  • Vitamin E: total tocopherols 600-700mg/kg


The recommended ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 oil is 2: 1. 


For those who don't eat fish, Canada Golden Camelina is a great way to obtain the essential Omega-3 oils that your body cannot manufacture and therefore must obtain through diet.


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Excellent for

Everyday Cooking



Versatile - A Rich Omega 3 Oil You Can Fry With



Canada Golden Camelina Oil is excellent for gourmet cooking and baking.


​It is suited for deep frying, sauteing and searing, stewing, salads and cold dishes, and nutritional supplement.


It is mild and nutty flavoured, and it goes well in salad dressings, marinades, and dips on breads.


You can choose to add it into your diet, daily by blending one tbsp of camelina oil into your juice or smoothie.


High Smoke Point



Pure Cold Pressed



Canada Golden Camelina Oil has a high smoke point of 475 degrees, making it an excellent choice for frying, roasting and grilling.


Cold pressing camelina seeds is a process that crushes the oilseed at a lower temperature in order to preserve its benefits and flavour.


It does not need to be refrigerated.

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